Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly, PC

Worker & Employee Focused

Whistleblower Rights And Protection

Whistleblowing, for most workers, is a very uncomfortable situation. You feel between a rock and a hard place. You recognize your employer has engaged in some form of wrongdoing, unethical or illegal conduct, but you also need your job. You have a family, a mortgage and bills to pay, and all of that is at risk.

At Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly, PC, our attorneys understand these severe challenges. They have decades of experience and have dealt with these issues. They understand how to protect your rights and help you do the right thing.

What Is A Whistleblower?

A “whistleblower” is a legal term.  In Connecticut, a “whistleblower” is someone who has knowledge of corruption, unethical practices, violation of laws, mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse or authority, or danger to the public safety occurring in any state department or agency, quasi-public agency or any state contract, and who reports such knowledge.

What Protections Are Afforded To Whistleblowers?

Connecticut law protects whistleblowers from retaliation or threats of retaliation for having made the report.  If you think you are being retaliated against because of whistleblowing activity, contact an experienced attorney immediately as the time limit for bringing legal action may be very short (even as little as 30 days).

Many people incorrectly assume that an employee who reports similar issues or who speaks up about matters of public concern is a “whistleblower” and is protected from retaliation.  That is not always the case where the employee works for a private employer.

In some circumstances there might be some protections under the Connecticut and/or the U.S. Constitutions or under state law.  But an employee who believes s/he is being retaliated against because of reporting suspected misconduct or illegal activity or for his/her protected speech should consult with an experienced labor and employment attorney.

Contact Us For A Free Initial Phone Consultation

If you have more questions about your employment rights or your situation at work, feel free to call our Hartford office at 860-454-9608 or use our convenient online contact form to make an appointment to discuss your situation with our attorneys.