Wage And Hour And Overtime Issues
Are you experiencing wage theft? Our attorneys at Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly, PC can help you identify if your employer is shortchanging you and your pay. Below are some questions that many employees have regarding their pay.
How Much Does An Employer Have To Pay An Employee?
For most jobs, an employer must pay at least the minimum wage in Connecticut, which is now $12/hour in Connecticut. The minimum wage will increase to $13/hour as of August 2021, $14 as of July 2022, and $15 as of June 2023.
Some service employees such as waitstaff who serve customers at tables or booths and bartenders can be paid less than the minimum wage (at least $6.38 (waitstaff) or $8.23 (bartenders)) as long as their tips and wages together add up to the minimum wage. The law requires employers to pay all employees, regardless of citizenship, for every hour worked.
When Does An Employer Have To Pay Overtime And How Much Must It Pay?
Generally, an employer has to pay overtime, time-and-one-half of wages, to any employee who works more than 40 hours in one week. Some union contracts require that overtime be paid to employees who work more than 8 hours per day or on weekends, but the law only requires overtime pay after 40 hours in a week.
An employer does not have to pay overtime at all, no matter how many hours worked, if an employee is “exempt” under the law.
Employees who are paid a salary and fit into the category of executive, administrative or professional employees may be exempt and therefore may not be entitled to overtime pay. Who exactly is exempt is a complicated question, the answer to which often depends on the specific duties performed by the employee.
If you think you are not being paid overtime for which you are entitled, you should talk to an experienced labor and employment attorney and/or contact the CT Department of Labor.
Can An Employer Pay A Man A Higher Rate Of Pay Than A Woman In The Same Position?
The law requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work if their jobs are substantially equal in terms of skill, effort and responsibility and are performed under similar conditions.
Pay differences are permitted when they are based on seniority, merit, quantity or quality of production or a factor other than sex. If you think you are being paid less than someone of the opposite sex who works in the same position, you should talk to an experienced labor and employment attorney.
Contact Us For A Free Initial Phone Consultation
If you have more questions about your pay, overtime or related issues at work, call our Hartford office at 860-454-9608 or use our convenient online contact form to set up a free phone consultation.