Protecting Employee Rights
For workers, few things are more unsettling than needing to deal with troubles at work. You know you have legal rights, but it can be confusing to know what they are and if they apply to your exact situation. At Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly, PC, our attorneys understand what you are going through.
They have helped thousands of workers during the last four decades. They understand Connecticut labor and employment law, and they can help you determine if your rights have been violated and, importantly, what your next steps are and what you can do to resolve the issue.
What Rights Do Employees Have In The Workplace?
There is no law that requires employers to treat employees fairly. Generally, employment in Connecticut is “at-will,” which means that an employer can change tour duties, hours, and even your wages, can promote whomever he chooses, and can terminate or discipline an employee at any time, for any reason, so long as it is not a reason expressly prohibited by law.
Illegal reasons can include discrimination based on a protected class or because the employee engaged in some activity explicitly protected by the law. If an employer takes action against an employee for reasons that are unfair or undeserved, the employer may not be acting illegally.
Does Employment At-Will Apply To Everyone?
Employment at will does not apply to employees who have employment contracts. Union members covered by collective bargaining agreements are employed under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, which usually limits the circumstances in which the employee can be disciplined or discharged and controls other working conditions. Some non-union employees have individual contracts with their employer that set conditions of employment.
Are There Laws That Protect At-Will Employees?
Yes! There are a number of Connecticut and federal laws that provide rights and protections to at-will employees such as anti-discrimination, harassment and retaliation laws, laws governing wages, family and medical leave laws, and laws protecting whistleblowers.
Contact Us For A Free Initial Phone Consultation
If you have more questions about your employment rights or your situation at work, feel free to call our Hartford office at 860-454-9608 or use our convenient online contact form to make an appointment to discuss your situation with our attorneys.