Protecting Workers Rights In Connecticut For More Than 40 Years
Employment Law
Labor Law
Employee Rights
Employment And Labor Law Representation
For more than 40 years at Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly, PC, our practice has been focused on labor law, representing Unions, and employment law, representing individual employees. Our attorneys are dedicated solely to representing employees and unions in employment-related matters.
We have represented employees with claims of employment discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, breach of contract, severance negotiations and many other employment disputes.
Defending Employee Rights
Our mission at Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn & Kelly, PC is to promote employee rights, civil rights and workplace fairness, and to support the labor movement as it works to increase job security, and improve salaries, benefits and working conditions for working people in Connecticut and beyond.
As an employee, dealing with an employer or corporation can leave you feeling like David vs. Goliath. Our attorneys have decades of combined experienced protecting employee and union rights, and our goal is to use our skills and experience to help level this playing field in your matter.
We bring the highest standards of professionalism and integrity to every case and we work to help employees and labor unions create a more just workplace – one case at a time.
40 Years Of Protecting Workers’ Rights
Employment, labor and civil rights laws are all complex. Knowing your rights and in which situations they apply can be difficult. Deadlines are often very short. You may be unsure of how to proceed. This is where we can help.
We can discuss your facts, explain which laws may apply and how the courts often treat those situations. We can help you choose the best course forward and help protect your rights and interests.

We also represent other progressive and civil rights nonprofit organizations, including the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund and the Connecticut Citizen Action Group, on issues related to employment, women’s rights, health care and constitutional law.